Evergreen flag that makes a difference

February 26, 2010 Evergreen Enterprises, Inc. 0 Comments

Before I came onboard as the product line manager last September, I had been selling Evergreen flags for a whole decade under a contract basis. My passion for Flags was developed in my early career as a buyer for a department store. Flag, of course, was the most profitable category in my gift department. My first encounter with Evergreen was the frog flag which I put in the sun all summer and it didn’t fade as competitors’ did then. Impressed by its good quality, I started to search for Evergreen flags over the years and brought them into my department.

Over the years, I had carefully watched the flag sale revolution; now I’m part of that growth and continued enhancing changes. Our flag categories evolved from just appliqué, sublimated and appliqué and sublimated together. It continues to expand with promising categories like sculpted blends, feather banners and mailbox covers. I’m very excited to no longer just watch, but plan for the growth and progression in Evergreen’s Flags.

Why Evergreen Flags? What stands out about this product and why choose the Evergreen brand over others?
  • Breadth of the line.
Outside of quality, Evergreen does extremely well to cover all customer needs with its breadth. Whether our customers prefer large or small, bunnies or ladybugs, Evergreen always has the appeal of good balance in mix and a broad selection of assortment, not only with flags, but also in hardware and display options. That gives our customers no reason to go anywhere else because they can find everything they need to have a successful and profitable flag business by just using Evergreen’s resources.
  • Unique product mix.
Evergreen offers unique opportunities in product mix. First is the proportion of garden and regular flags. 90% of our flags are in both sizes. We are the first to introduce garden size flags and that’s been one of our advantages in the marketplace over the years. We give customers the choice of size in the same style. Second is our good assortment and equal balance of sublimated and appliqué flags. We even offer sublimated flags with appliqué treatment on them, which we call artistic blends. Our latest introduction of artistic sculpted blends takes it further with a sublimated flag carved out in patched shapes connected. We also add new items like garden feather banners, which are in appliqué, 12 inches wide by 24 inches tall, similar to traditional feather banners on the beach and what you might see in commercial applications inside and outside stores. It shows you the extension of our flag category, which continuously gives our customers new items and reasons to keep shopping Evergreen.
  • Regional design and custom capabilities.
Out when I was in the sales field, one advantage I found Evergreen had over its competitors in the flag business was regional design and custom capabilities. We give retailers the option to customize their products with extremely low minimum volume (250 pieces). Very few could do that in the industry. Another is the unique regional design. We have the license to manufacture flags for military, marine and air force as well as state flags. We have several Texas state flags besides the official one. We also have a sculpted appliqué flag, which has the state motto, emblem, seal and flower on.

Just as indicated in our brand tag line, flag is really the greeting card of your home. It’s a way for end-consumers to show their neighbors and the world their taste, their fun, conservatism or tradition. One day, when people are asked where they got that beautiful “greeting card of their home”, we hope they’ll say Evergreen.

Tim Lamm
Product Line Manager, Flag & Collegiate